martedì 11 ottobre 2016

Ceva in the world 2016/27 (part 4 of 7)

                                                   Schoolyear 2016/2017

Giada Gennaro is in Norway she has chosen this country because she likes wild landscapes and wanted to see "aurora borealis",or northern lights.
This is what she wrote us "Hei! Hvordan går det? (howareyou?) I arrived in Norway almost 2 months ago, it seems yesterday! It`s amazing here, really amazing! In only two months I have seen many times the northern nights and one time my family and me were sitting in a Jacuzzi drinking something warm and suddenly we saw a falling star and some moving stars (that I had never seen before and no, they weren`t airplanes ahah). Here  life is really different from ours one, everything is so calm and  time seems  slower than in Italy. Everyone is kind and friendly, but there are different traditions and habits; they don`t speak so much to each other but when you start knowing them better, it`s easier and they aren`t shy at all! I love my family, they are amazing! I have 2 little brothers (12 and 13 years old, Iver and Sølve) and I have a lot of fun with all of them! My parents are lovely and my dad is a bit crazy in a very cool and sweet way (but that`s normal, he is an artist ahah). My mum talks a lot and she can involve everyone, she has this fantastic power! The Norwegian language is of course an obstacle, it isn`s easy but I`m trying to learn it! I hope that I will understand and speak more Norwegian by Christmas time! At school the lessons are all in Norwegian (neither in Spanish nor in English ) so now it`s a bit heavy for  me to understand everything. I go to school from 8:20 to 13:35 or 15:20, we have to change classroom every 90 minutes and we have a break of 15 minutes between each class and 30 minutes break for lunch. The students have a lot of freedom here but not only at school, also in families, as they are so small. I don`t want to annoy you with a lot of stupid things that for me are amazing so ha det bra (bye bye)! Ps: here the sun has started to be lower, the winter and with it the night period are coming!! Kisses and hugs from Harstad!"

 Giada, you were so brave , good luck!

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