Caribou, Maine (ME)
Anno 2014/2015
Me lo ricordo come se il tempo non fosse nemmeno passato. È stato il giorno in cui ho saputo che sarei partita!
Nel momento in cui Erica Azzoaglio ( alla quale ogni giorno sono veramente grata) ha pronunciato il mio nome, sono rimasta senza parole, sono scoppiata in lacrime dalla felicità e ho provato un insieme di emozioni mai provate prima. È stato qualcosa di spettacolare...se ci penso non mi sembra vero di essere qui ora.
7 settembre 2014
Il giorno in cui, con le lacrime agli occhi, ho salutato i miei genitori e mia sorella.
8 settemore 2014
Che l'avventura abbia inizio...

Frastornata dal lungo viaggio e dal cambio dell' ora eccomi arrivata in...AMERICA!!!
Frequento l'ultimo anno di Caribou High school ...
... e se la domanda che vi state chiedendo é se ho l'armadietto...beh si, ho l'amadietto!!!
Sembra che mi abbiano catapultata nel film "High school musical"!
These are only a few of the fantastic sunsets that I have seen here in Maine. Pictures are beautiful, but it is even better to see these sunsets in person!
My cross coutry team. Thanks to this sport I could meet a lot of great people and achieve great satisfaction by having won a few races.
November 27- thanksgiving-
This year for the first time of my life I could spend thanksgiving with my host family. My host mom made a turkey for us... it was so good!
At the end of each sport season there is an award ceremony where each person who participated in any sport received an award. This is a picture of some of my cross country teammates and me. It was a really exciting experience!
Maine is one of the coldest states in America, but it is also a place where you can see the best views of the land in each season!
I feel like I am in a fairy tale!
I am so thankful for my host family because they are really nice to me and I can always have fun with them!
I usually travel with them. I had a chance to go to Quebec, Canada which was an awesome experience. It was such a beautiful place.
November 1st was the first snow fall! So early for me, but also so exciting!
Maine is really famous for their Lobster. Here I am putting the lobster on to boil. It was delicious!!!!!
I enjoy traveling around Aroostook County with my host family. I had fun traveling with such a great family.
I took these picture during a boat trip at Eagle Lake, at the end of September. It was a beautiful, sunny day!
Some of my friends and I went to watch a ski meet of my other friends; one of them is hiding in the back. It was fun and cold!
My family has many snowmobiles. Here is my brother and I riding his sled
on the frozen lake. It was a sunny day and it was so much fun!! I love
him, he always makes me laugh!
These are some of my foreign exchange friends. They are from all over the world, but now all of us live in Maine. I'm the only one in Caribou, but sometimes we get the chance to meet each other, because they live more than three hours away. I love them and we became really close in these past months!
We still have some occasions to meet each other...In the picture below there is my Spanish best friend (in the middle), her American host sister (on the right) and I. She lives three hours away from me, but we got to be that close that she invited me to spend a weekend to her house. We were eating at a Mexican restaurant; the food was delicious.
"I'm an Italian girl, in America, eating Mexican food with my Spanish friend"
It sounds really an international meal!

For the beginning of the new year, 2015, my friends organized a party in the snow with a bonfire.
We made some good hot dogs, smore's and some other delicious food!
To get to the party, which was in the woods, one of my friends hooked us up to a snowmobile and sledded us out there. I had so much fun!
I played basketball with such a great team. We used to have games every weekend, and one time we had to spend the night down state in a wonderful hotel in front of the Atlantic Ocean.
How you can tell, we were pretty excited about, and my room-mates and I took some pictures.
Here's the letter that I wrote to my Italian school a couple of weeks ago:
“It's already
April and the time flew by so fast; I can't even believe it!
I have done so many
different things in the last couple months.
Sunday was Easter
and in America we don't have Easter vacation, instead we have a
spring break in April for a week. I woke up in the morning with my
siblings, with a big basket waiting for us, filled with goodies and
treats. My little brother was the most excited about the “bunny”
coming during the night. All of my family and I went to the
restaurant for a big breakfast all together; well it was most likely
a brunch because we ate so late and so much!
We spent the other
half of the day to my grandparents house with all my relatives. They
make me feel part of the family. It was a great Easter and my belly
would agree with me, if I said the food was delicious!
I learned to drive
a snowmobile, thanks to my father. It is awesome going through the
white, snowy woods driving on a sled. It was the first time of my
life driving one of those, but I'm pretty sure I will miss doing this
a lot. It is fun and amazing!
What else can I tell
Well, basketball
season is over and I've started track around two weeks ago. I miss
basketball practice already, but I got the opportunity to play with
all the other seniors against the “Harlem Superstar”, which is a
professional team. It is a kind of show-game because they play
jokingly and tricky with the other players. They are incredible
jumping to the basket making some good points! Playing with them was
so much fun! Oh, well, I forgot! During that game we were recorded
and the same day my sister at home saw me on TV making a three point
basket and talking to the camera about the game and the players!
I went to visit some
different places a couple weeks ago. I was in New York, taking
pictures of the Statue of Liberty, dancing to the famous Alvin Ailey
hip hop school, watching the town from the top of the Empire State
building, shopping in Times Square and so many other things.
I also visited
Washington DC, Philadelphia, Detroit in Michigan too. I took two
thousand pictures in just one week. Everybody told me I was crazy. I
wish to show all of them when I come back.
A big kiss to the
whole school, to my teachers, to my friends, to the freshman, who I
didn't meet yet, but I'm sure I will.
At last, a huge hug
to everyone in my class, which must be so quiet since I left.”