venerdì 16 settembre 2016

Culture Night Icon 4

Friday 16th 2016 - Culture Night

Tonight around 3,000 events are taking place in Dublin to celebrate
Irish culture: museums, libraries,
galleries will be open until late, just for free, to discover
Dublin's creativity and hidden treasures.
A proposal might be spending the night at the James Joyce Centre....
Thursday 15th 2016

Scheduled for today these was the visit to Kilmainhman Gaol, too.
"Gaol" is the Irish word for "jail" (prison),
here the rebels of the Easter Rising were imprisoned and executed.
Risultati immagini per kilmainham gaol

Thursday 15th 2016 - visit to Collins Barracks

Collins Barracks is a museum about Irish history, it was the headquarters
of the British soldiers first and then of the Irish army in Dublin after 1922,
when the Irish Free State was established.
Especially interesting are the sections about the wars the Irish soldiers fought in the history,
WWI (alongside the British)  and the War of Independence (1916) against the British Rule,
to obtain Home Rule. Uniforms, tanks, airplanes documents are on disply,to show
sacrifices and suffering wars always brings with them.
Watch this video about the museum....
and this one about the Easter Rising (1916) (Insurrezione di Pasqua)

giovedì 15 settembre 2016

Wednesday 14th 2016 . visit to the Guinness Storehouse

The Guinness Storehouse is a seven-floor exhibition about
 the history of the famous Irish beer brand Guinness,starting from its founder, Arthur Guinness,
and coming to the present production of 3 million pints every day, exported all
over the world.
From the top floor we could enjoy a great view of the city and taste a glass of the famous
stout (birra scura). Actually we discovered that its colour is deep ruby red (rosso rubino)
and that it is used also to cook, for instance the famous Irish stew (spezzatino irlandese di agnello)
Enjoy the video....

mercoledì 14 settembre 2016

Tuesday 13th 2016 - Irish Music Party

Today  we listened to typical Irish music and saw Irish dances.
Irish music has Celtic origins and to be performed  uses special instruments like
the bodhran (tamburello), the fiddle (violino) and the pipe (piffero).
The rhythm is incredibly fast and cheerful.
On these music people dance too, moving only feet really quickly.
We tried too and it was fun. The students were great, like professional dancers
Here you'll find a famous traditional Irish song, enjoy....


martedì 13 settembre 2016

Monday 12th 2016 - visit to St Patrick's Cathedral

St Patrick's cathedral is the main Protestant church in Ireland.
Here St Patrick was supposed to baptize converts .
The church, in Early English Gothic style, features
wonderful stained glass windows (vetrate colorate)
and the grave of Jonathan Swift, the famous Irish author of "Gulliver's travels",
who was Dean (decano) here.
St Patrick's Cathedral's choir(coro) is famous throughout Ireland.

Watch this video, taken by a drone..

Sunday 11th 2016 - visit to Phoenix Park

Phoenix Park is a huge park in the north of the city, the largest in Europe
where people go jogging or cycling, play sports (cricket, polo) or have a picnic .
You can hire a bike as well.

Here is the Irish President's residence and the American embassy.
The Pope John Paul II visited Ireland and 1 million people gathered
here to meet him.

The Dublin Zoo is open to the public and hosts animals from all over the world,
like penguins, tigers, chimpanzees and flamingos. Enjoy the video...

Saturday 10th 2016 - visit to Howth

Howth is a fishing village in Dublin's bay, where you can
buy and eat fish (crabs, lobsters, mussels).
Really picturesque, it was Dublin's harbour in medieval times;
along the cliff walk (sentiero lungo la scogliera) you have a breathtaking view

over the Irish Sea, surrounded by seagulls (gabbiani) and seals (foche)

venerdì 9 settembre 2016

Friday 9th September

Visit to Facebook European headquarters (sede principale).

Facebook has chosen Ireland for its headquarters, that control all
other offices in Europe More than 1000 people work here, in a relaxed
work environment.
The building it is in was built in 2009 by Frank Gehry
a famous Modernist architect. It lies in Silicon Docks, a modern area
near Dublin's harbour ,where also Google ,Twitter and Ebay.s offices are.

Ireland actually is now considered the capital of start-ups and attracts, thanks to its low
tax rates high-tech businesses from all over the world.

It was really worth visiting ,enjoy this video


giovedì 8 settembre 2016

A visitor's guide to the Chester Beatty Library

Thursday 8th

This video is about what we are visiting today, the Chester Beatty Museum ,a rich
collection of manuscripts, miniature paintings, prints, drawings, rare books from countries across Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, with items from the main religions ,Christianity,
Islam and Buddhism, like the Biblical Papyri, a collection of Qur'an manuscripts and books of Buddhist thought, really interesting indeed.(you can use subtitles)

Visitor Vox Pop | National Museum of Ireland – Natural History

Wednesday 7th

We went to the National Natural History Museum, where Irish native animals
but also animals from all over the world are on display.
In the first room was waiting for us the Giant Irish deer, a prehistoric huge kind of deer, really impressive for its size.

In the other posts you will find a video of the visit and another one about visitors' reactions.
Practise your English!!

Natural History Museum, Dublin

mercoledì 7 settembre 2016

Tuesday 6th September 2016

Today we have visited Trinity College,the most prestigious college in Ireland and
 one of the best-known universities in the world., founded by Elizabeth I
 following the pattern of Oxford and Cambridge universities.
It was established as a Protestant college, where Catholic students weren't allowed
until 1790s.Women were allowed only in 1904.
We saw the famous Book of Kells, a medieval illuminated (miniato) manuscript,
considered the most beautiful book in the world.

Visit the official site and watch the video

martedì 6 settembre 2016

September 2016 - study tour in Dublin

Hello everybody,

we are a group of students of Baruffi Institute on a study tour in Ireland to improve our English.
Yesterday we visited the National Gallery in Dublin,
here is a video about our experience. Enjoy it!