martedì 11 ottobre 2016

Ceva in the world 2016/27 (part 2 of 7)


     Schoolyear 2016/2017

Camilla Franchello has been in Mexico since August and she is spending there the whole schoolyear.
She sent us a photo and a description of her life.

This is what she wrote about her experience: "  It’s 20 days that I have come to Mexico but it seems that i arrived yesterday! This country is so different from Italy, people are so happy, they meet you and on the same day invite you home! My city is Paraiso, it’s in the state of Tabasco and it isn’t a big city! Here cities are so different because people either are rich or  poor; here middle classes don’t exist,  so the cities are so poor! My Mexican school is called “Jean Piaget”; it’s a secondary school and  it’s not so big. in my class we are 20 guys. My Mexican family is so nice and i have two brothers, Isaac and Roger. Time flies so fast and there are a lot of things to do here! I think this experience is so fun because you need to leave alone without knowing the language of your host country in my case I don’t know Spanish at all but you meet a lot of people and i think this year will really change my life!"

A new country, a new language, it will be a real adventure! Good luck, Camilla!

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